October 2022

Solo Show "Génération Do" at Cohle Gallery, Paris

Instagram: @cohlegallery


"Generation Do", which will be showcased at Cohle Gallery. As an artist who's deeply influenced by Japanese and French pop culture from the 90s, this exhibition is an exploration of how these cultural elements continue to influence us even years later and how they intersect with our memories and present experiences.

Through my artwork, which is characterized by its geometric and monochromatic style, I aim to offer a fresh and modern take on collective nostalgia. "Generation Do" is also a way for me to bring together my childhood memories in France and my life in Japan.

I'm really excited to share this exhibition with everyone and to see how my art continues to push the boundaries of contemporary art. If you're a fan of Japanese pop culture or just appreciate art that transports you through time and space, then you won't want to miss this exhibition. So join me in celebrating the opening of "Generation Do" at Cohle Gallery and let's take a journey through memory, time, and art together!

The exhibition « Generation Do » (Do for Dorothée) which means a lot to all the French Kids of the 90’s🇫🇷 but who is Dorothée ?

She is a French singer and television presenter. She was a continuity announcer on French public broadcaster Antenne 2 from 1977 to 1983, but she is best known for having presented children's television shows like Les mercredis de la jeunesse (Youth Wednesdays, 1973), Dorothée et ses amis (Dorothée and Friends, 1977–1978), Récré A2 (A2 Break Time, 1978–1987), and especially Club Dorothée (1987–1997), which totalled up to about 30 hours of broadcast per week and popularized Japanese animation in France (with titles like Dragon Ball, Saint Seiya, City Hunter or Hokuto no Ken

She is literally the second mother of all French people over 30 and alone represents the 90' generation in France. If Dorothée had not existed, I would never have gone to Japan. The exhibition at @cohlegallery is my first solo exhibition in my country, a return to the source. This exhibition is the most intimate and personal so far. It’s with great emotion and pride that I do it


